Drip system hydroponics: pros and cons, a brief description

In recent years, hydroponics has been in great demand for growing plants. The most popular was the drip system hydroponics. The drip system hydroponics is considered the most economical in water consumption and ideal for growing plants without soil. More about drip system hydroponics will be discussed in this article.

drip system hydroponics

Features of the drip system

The first thing to note when looking at the features of the drip system hydroponics is that the nutrient solution, which has a water base, is directed toward the roots of the plants. For this, drip irrigation is used. This option is different in that it consumes little water. In this case, evaporation does not reduce the amount of water.

This is because it uses a slow watering system and does not simulate rain. A hydroponics drip system is ideal for plants planted in separate containers and needs to be individually adjusted. Therefore, water and nutrients are steadily supplied to the places where it is needed.

You can also create all the hydroponic systems that have an automatic start.

This allows the roots of the plants to saturate, and turn off so that the solution that has not been used drains off.

Drip hydroponics are appropriate for the vertical cultivation of plants. You must pump water and nutrients to the top of the system. Under the influence of gravity, it works automatically.

How does a drip system hydroponics work?

The system requires a pump, which is located in a container with a nutrient solution. Afterward, the drip system will deliver the solution to the plant root system using drip emitters. The pump is connected to a timer that makes the watering schedule automatic.

The organization of the system can be such that drip emitters direct the nutrient solution to the roots of certain plants. If the emitters are powered by a power control mechanism, then the volume of solution per plant can be adjusted. It all depends on the needs of the crops grown.

No need to think that all hydroponics drip systems are so complicated. If you have a vertical garden, then droppers are placed at the top. Regardless of the growing system, the nutrient solution will pass through the growing medium and reach the bottom. As soon as this happens, the remaining solution returns to the container or drains out.

Varieties of drip system hydroponics

There are several types of drip system hydroponics.

Recovery drip system hydroponics

Such recovery systems work on the principle that the nutrient solution is recovered and reused by the system. The recovery drip system is appropriate for a vertical hydroponics system when the nutrient solution flows from top to bottom. If the solution remains, recovery systems drain to the bottom, after which it again enters the droppers.

Recovery systems are very economical drip systems because you do not have to constantly replenish the solution with nutrients. However, you have to monitor the pH values and the amount of fertilizer in the water. After all, the indicators constantly change, depending on the intensity of the consumption of plants.

You need to periodically monitor the pH values and also empty the solution tanks. Change it regularly so that there is no stagnation of useful components.

Non-recovery systems

Many notes that the non-recovery drip system is more efficient in terms of resources. Therefore, they are often recommended by commercial manufacturers of hydroponic drip systems.

For more efficient operation, drip irrigation cycles must be precisely set.

If you set special timers, you can set cycles to the exact second.

Especially if you use a separate drip irrigation system for each type of plant.

This allows the plants to be hydrated as much as they need. In this case, only a small part of the water and nutrients remain superfluous.

You need to periodically replenish the container with fresh liquids. However, you do not have to constantly monitor the pH values in the tank.

If you use less accurate drip systems, you sometimes need to flush the hydroponic drip system with clean water to remove the nutrients that have accumulated.

Benefits of own hydroponic drip system

The drip system for hydroponics has certain advantages.


Building a hydroponic drip system is easy, and you can use it all year round. At the same time, the construction equipment is very affordable.

You do not have to constantly adjust the system, or worry about the dryness of the plant’s root system. After all, moisture flows as needed.


It should be noted that the hydroponic drip system is considered popular due to its versatility. You can use it in small gardens, or on an industrial scale. You can water both compact and large plants.

Furthermore, you can build a complex or simple hydroponic drip system. It all depends on your work skills. A simple drip system requires drip line segments and simple timers.

If you want a professional drip system, you require more advanced hardware.

Cons of hydroponic drip system

It should be noted that the drip hydroponic system has several disadvantages.

Drip emitter clogging

Periodically, drip emitters become clogged. This is caused by the presence of physical substances in the liquid solution, or by malfunctions in the drip tips. Drip emitters can become clogged with algae or nutrient minerals.

To prevent clogging of the drip emitter, you can follow a few guidelines:

  • monitor the pH of the nutrient solution. All nutrients must be dissolved;
  • check droppers. The sediment can be removed by light tapping;
  • clean the drain so that algae and bacteria do not accumulate. The system needs to be flushed and disinfected. Nitric acid may have to be used for flushing.

Other cons

The drip hydroponic system has other disadvantages, including:

  • dependence on electrical power;
  • the constant change of pH and nutrient levels;
  • the need to use timers.

How to make a drip hydroponic system yourself?

To build your hydroponic drip system, you need to stock up on some tools.

Grow containers

It is allowed to use one large container or several compact containers.

It all depends on what kind of plants you want to grow.

The container must have compartments for draining the unused solution from the drip system.

Favorable environment for the drip system

If you’re going to be using a drip hydroponic system, you need to choose the right growing medium that helps retain water and nutrients, as well as oxygen, and won’t compromise drainage quality. Select a growing medium that contains coconut fiber, mineral wool, or expanded clay.

Nutrient solution

The seedlings need to be covered with an opaque material so that light does not penetrate inside. Otherwise, bacteria and algae will develop. You have to place the container so that you can observe it and replenish the solution.

Submersible water pump

A drip hydroponic system can run on conventional pumps that are placed in a fountain or pond. You can take a water pump from the aquarium so that the nutrient solution is constantly in motion and does not stagnate. In this case, the plants receive enough nutrition and oxygen. This promotes better growth.

Pump timer

Drip hydroponics needs a timer that is fixed in the water pump. Starting and shutdown are carried out several times a day.

Tubes and fittings

You can use flexible tubing, drip lines, or drip irrigation manifolds. Fittings may also be required to make drip hydroponic systems more unique in design.

Drip emitter

For the solution with nutrients to penetrate the root system of plants, a droplet emitter is required for each plant. To save money, you can lay the tubes along the plants, having previously made small holes in them.

Buying a hydroponics drip system

If you want to start growing plants right away, without creating your system, you can use ready-made kits. Most manufacturers have them. The most demanded drip hydroponic system is from the company General hydroponics.

You can also find good drip systems in companies such as Megafarm, Ecogrover, and PowerGrower. Atami, which is located in the Netherlands, is famous for its good quality products.

Raindrop is a well-established company, which supplies systems used in the classic version of growing plants.

However, you can modify the system slightly to suit hydroponics.


When it comes to a hydroponic-type irrigation system, many questions can be asked. Most of them relate to the performance of the drip hydroponics system, as well as the frequency of start.

What is a drip system in hydroponics?

A drip system is an active hydroponic system. The system uses small emitters through which the nutrient solution drips directly onto the plants. The basic drip system work is very active. This indicates that the work is carried out under the influence of the pump.

Thanks to this, plants regularly receive water and nutrients. Hydroponic drip systems can be jet or micro-irrigation.

That is, compact emitters are used. They make sure that the solution from the hydroponic drip systems penetrates directly into the plant’s roots.

How does a dripping system work?

Drip-type hydroponic systems involve the location of tubes, supplemented with emitters. Thanks to the emitters, water and nutrient solution seep into the growing medium, near the root zone. Given that the level of humidity is constantly maintained, the plants are healthier and give a better harvest.

How often should I water my hydroponic drip system?

Watering should be done frequently. Some commercial growers do not turn off the drip irrigation system at all. If you are just starting to study this issue, you should water at intervals of half an hour, gradually reducing the intensity.

This allows you to choose the optimal schedule. On average, you need to water the plants for 1 minute and take a break for 5-10 minutes.

Is a drip system good for plants?

Yes, a drip hydroponic system is ideal for plants. It helps prevent diseases because the water does not come into contact with the stems, leaf blades, or fruits. The row spacing remains dry, so weed growth is reduced. It is ideal for saving money, water, and time.


As you can see, a hydroponic system is very effective, and significantly helps save time on plant care. The main thing is to build the right watering schedule.

Read More About Hydroponic Drip Systems

Alice Roberts

I want to start with brief information about myself so that we can become a little closer to each other. For many years I have been working in my specialty read more

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